Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Drive by Daniel Pink and the Organic Vegetable Garden

I just finished reading Drive by Daniel Pink. In his book, he examines how success in todays business environment can be motivated by three essential elements: autonomy, mastery and purpose. Every vegetable gardener I know is set into motion by these same tenants and that drive is seen in our need to nurture, grow and harvest the bounty our gardens provide. Drive is a fascinating look at a way to revolutionize the business world and the essential elements of that revolution cross neatly into the heart felt act of growing our own food.

The first motivational element is autonomy. I see the organic gardening and sustainability movements as a way for us to acknowledge our autonomy and control of our food sources. We have the ability to chose organic versus GMO products, seasonal versus non-seasonal, or canned and dried versus chemically preserved. Growing our food is a huge part of feeling grounded and satisfaction in our daily hectic lives. 

For me, the element of mastery in the garden encompasses the prepping of the soil, sowing of the seeds, nurturing of the plants, harvesting the of the crops, and preserving of the food. When cruising through the blogosphere, I am continually amazed by the information available from bloggers who are well on their way to mastery or have mastered the activities of organic sustainable eating.

Purpose is the final motivating ingredient. All gardeners seem driven by purpose first. We want our families to have healthy sustainable foods sources, reduce our impact on the earth and live a simpler more connected life. What better purpose is there?

Drive is about what has motivated people in business world and how the old practices need to evolve to make the contemporary workplace more meaningful, sustainable and productive. I feel proud that we gardeners are way ahead of the game! 

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